New revolutionary European Regulation on succession matters – key issues and doubts
El nuevo y revolucionario Reglamento Europeo de Sucesiones. Cuestiones clave y dudas

Mariusz Załucki


European Regulation No. 650/2012 on succession matters begins to be applied. Across most of Europe, it is anticipated that “the new rules will make life easier”. Its subject matter is concerned with the private international law issues which arise in the context of succession and wills. It contains uniform rules concerning jurisdiction, choice of law, and the international recognition and enforcement of judgments and related instruments in this field. As it can be best judged, in the nearest future the Regulation will cause some controversy. In this text the author tries to present the key issues of the Regulation and outlines the first doubts that may arise from the application of this act.

Key words

Sucesión mortis causa; Certificado sucesorio europeo

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