Law enforcement as a form of realization of right: phenomenological analysis experience (civilized aspect)
La aplicación de la ley como forma de realización de la ley: la experiencia del análisis fenomenológico (aspecto civil)
The research is dedicated to the analysis of law enforcement civil aspects in legal regulation of public relations, determination of its character and value as security instrument of their effectiveness. It is set that law realization is considered in such forms as law fulfillment, law application, law enforcement, law fulfillment and law termination accompanying the motion of civil-law relations. It is proved that the reason for law enforcement in the course of civil-law relations realization is such character of their development, reality and affiliation of which in view of their social value is provided individually-legal instructions given by public authority. Realization of subjective civil rights and legal obligations in private relation is provided by the acceptance of individual legal act issued by governmental authority. Authority’s activity in law enforcement mechanism is provided by the system of legal measures (mechanism elements), the total amount of which shall be naturally implemented in law realization mechanism the component of which is law enforcement mechanism in synchronically directed at provision of its effectiveness. To such elements of law enforcement mechanism each of which is specified within the appropriate law realization may be included: legal provision, legal relations and judicial fact.
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